Grandma, I was so blessed to have a grandma like you in my life. For my entire life, you provided me with the love and support that every grandchild deserves and needs. You always believed in me and knew that I could do anything that I wanted to in life. I will never forget the day I graduated from college, the first time, you said “I’m proud of you”, as I was the first one of the family to graduate with a college degree. You never hesitated to tell me just how proud you were of all of my accomplishments. I’m blessed that I got to spend so much time with you as a teenager. I was also blessed (although I may not have thought that at the moment) that I got to help you with your grocery shopping and by taking you to your doctors appointments. I miss all of the little things about you that time has helped me to appreciate even greater. It does sadden me to know that there are so many things in my life that you will not be present for such as: my wedding, the purchasing of our first home, the limited amount of time that you had to know the wonderful man that I married, my second college graduation, my future children (your grandchildren). Although you were not here for my wedding, I most certainly did not forget to include you. As I walked across the stage for my second graduation, I thought about you and I knew that you were looking down and saying “I am proud of you”. I will ensure that you are always remembered and that the children I will have someday will know just how wonderful you were. I know in my heart that although you are not here physically, you are here spiritually; most importantly, you are in a better place. I hope that I continue to make decisions that bring you great joy. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about you and remembering just how you much loved each of us in your own way. I miss you so much. I miss all of the little things about you. I miss your laugh, smile, and voice. Grandma, you are dearly loved and missed terribly!
I’d walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again.”
~Author Unknown
Bill and Stephanie Wootan says
What a beautiful post D. You were a lucky gal to have her as she was to have you. ~Steph