When it comes to updating my blog, I have been an absolute slacker. Rest assured though, that the rest of my life has not consisted of any slacking. Below are some updates of the happenings within the past 5 months!
November 2010
The highlight of November was spending the week of Thanksgiving in Corpus with the family. As usual, we had a ton of fun and tons of good food.
While we were there, we went to a Quinceanera that my brother stood up in. It’s hard to believe that I was his age once. That I had the same teenage mentality once before. You know invincible, know-it-all, and worry-free.
On November 30, we also put our Christmas tree up and set out our Christmas deco’s!
December 2010
This month was Josh’s 7th birthday, Christmas break, Alex’s birthday, and Jesus’ birthday.
During Christmas break we went to the HEARD Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Santuary. It was late December and it was a whopping 80-something degrees outside. So not winter like weather, but we had fun.
A couple of days before Christmas we cooked up some good desserts and baked some yummy cookies to leave for Santa.
Santa left a ton of fun gifts for everyone!
January 2011
All was quiet on the front in January. We did manage to make to Elaine’s basketball game. Even though they lost, we had a good time watching them play.
February 2011
Oh the month to celebrate All Saints Day, and snow and ice! We had an insane amount of snow this month and not to mention the 5 consecutive days of ice.
March 2011
During this month, every year, schools have this little thing called spring break! Josh spent his spring break up here and we went to the Science and Technology Center, the Arboretum, the Fort Worth Zoo, and Jeff took him to play some minature golf.
That’s about the end of my recap! As for what’s going on now, we are going to Corpus this weekend to spend 4 days with the family. I can’t wait to see them all. It’s been 4 months too long!
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