So, it has been one short month and we already cannot imagine life without you. You are the perfect. You are more than I ever could have prayed for. I will say that being a mommy is the very best thing I have ever experienced. How your daddy and I feel about you is indescribable and I’m unable to put our feelings into words. Your daddy is an amazing daddy and tries to be hands on as much as possible.
This month has been full of adjustments and change in routine, as well as establishing a schedule for
you. You currently nurse every 3 hours and you’re still waking up about 3 times a night to feed. You love bath time and seem to become calm when we place you in the water. One thing that you absolutely dislike are diaper changes. You get so angry when it’s time to change your diaper, but you are easily calmed once we’re done and mommy or daddy carry you. You love to be carried and you love to snuggle with mommy. You nap best when mommy is carrying you. You do love hearing your daddy talk, maybe it’s because when I was pregnant he would talk to you while you were in my belly. You stare and him and listen every time he talks. I think it’s pretty sweet.
Some firsts for you this month were: Thanksgiving and Snow/Ice day
Sweet boy, you have changed so much in one month. You are becoming more alert and have more awake time. You are taking more notice of your surroundings and are paying more attention to our faces when we talk to you. As you learn about the world around you and how to do new things, we are also learning more about you everyday, and learning how to be the best parents we can be. I pray a lot and thank God for letting us become parents to such a special little boy.
We love you!
Happy 1 Month…
One Month
10 pounds 5 ounces (59th percentile)
22 inches tall (68th percentile)
14.8 inches head circumference (57th percentile)
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