Baby boy, this week was tough on mommy because I had to go back to work. I’ve been fortunate to be able to spend twelve weeks with you. These past twelve weeks I’ve gotten to know you, watch you change from a newborn who sleeps to an infant who is so happy, alert, interactive and so full of life! While it’s been hard for me to leave you at daycare I have to think of the positives that come from it, including being thankful that I have a job to back to. I sure did miss being with you all day long!
Highlights of this week:
- We went shopping to get you one more outfit for your 3 month photo shoot that is coming up! You sat in your stroller and did so well!
- Monday was your first day of school/daycare. Daddy dropped you off at around 7:45am, because there was no way that mommy could do it. Daddy did say that it was also hard for him to drop you off. At the end of the day mommy picked you up at around 4:35pm. When mommy got there you were in the bouncer! You were smiling and very content. What a relief for this momma! You were exhausted and slept from 6:30pm-4:00am. Mommy had to wake you at 9pm to feed you but you went right to sleep after you were done.
- Your second day was still tough for mom, but I got an email with pictures of you playing on the play mat. Your school also sent flowers to me from you, because they know how hard this transition has been. What a sweet thought. The flowers and pictures made mommy cry!
- The rest of the week went well and mommy survived leaving you during the day for one week.
- You had your first official belly laugh! Daddy got home from work one day and walked in while mommy was changing your diaper. He started talking to you and you let out a audible little laugh! It was too cute! You sure do love your daddy and always smile and talk to him!
- You’re now drinking 5 ounces from a bottle 3 times a day while mommy is at work. You’re still nursing in the evenings when we get home and before you we put you down for the night, as well as in the morning before mommy leaves for work.
- You’ve been going to sleep for the night around 9:45-10:00pm. This week you’ve been waking up at 2:30am. I’m sure you’re adjusting to this new schedule of ours and with going to daycare. So far your longest stretch of sleep has been 9 hours.
First day of daycare!
Welcome note on the door of your classroom.
First report! Mommy knows that you’re a good baby and she’s thankful that your first day went well. I’m sure they loved you!
Eating at PF Changs on our last weekday together before mommy went back to work.
Nice weather=nice walk! You liked it!
Flowers from you that your daycare sent to mommy!
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