Well another week has come and gone! Time is flying and all that I want is for it to slow down! Mommy and daddy had a short work week and you had a short week of daycare since they were closed on Friday and Monday because of Memorial Day! I’ll take any extra days with you that I can get!
- Saturday you took your 6 month old photos at Grapevine Botanical Gardens. I never knew this small gem of a place existed. In fact, we’ve driven by there several times and never knew it was there. I’m sure they will turn out fabulous. I can’t wait to see them.
- On Monday, your first Memorial Day, we headed to Uncle Danny and Aunt Anna’s house for some family time and good food. They we were excited to see you since they hadn’t seen you since you were 4 months old. You’ve changed a lot in 2 months…believe me.
- You are such a busy bee these days….grabbing everything and starting to try to pull up on things.
- You are mobile and crawling everywhere! You are fast…very fast! You are “army crawling” and your strength is so impressive. Did I mention that you are fast, even at army crawling? I think we are in trouble in the near future, but it is exciting to see how much you are changing every single day.
- You’ve now gone through all fruits and veggies. I will say that fruits are not your favorite, but you do like bananas with mangos and peaches with bananas. I’ve figured out that if your fruits are mixed with a little rice cereal or oatmeal you’ll eat them without any issues.
- You’re still sleeping through the night after going to bed at 9:00pm and waking up between 4-6:00am.
- You’re eating 3 meals a day and drinking 5 (6 ounce) times day.
Playing with momma’s bag.
Hanging out with momma!
Bath time fun!
Riding the skateboard with daddy’s help!
Taking a little nap!
My silly baby boy!
After a bath…these pictures should prove just how busy and mobile you are! We can’t keep you in one spot for long!
Love your precious face!
Getting good morning kisses from momma!
Oh just trying to eat and perfect your pincer grasp!
Snoozing on momma again…I’ll take it!
Trying to climb up on your crib.
My precious baby sleeping! I could look at you all day long!
Two perfect teeth!
Just ripping up the Mini Rodini catalog…we didn’t like anything from there anyway!
Sipping on some water.
Playing in your future playroom!
Mall time with momma!
Sitting in momma’s driver’s seat!
Lunch Time!
Playing around.
This picture pretty much sums up how we all felt at the end of this week…exhausted!
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