This week was busy for mommy and not so fun because I had to leave you for the first time ever!!! And, not for one day, but 3. This is one of those things that is never mentioned before you have kid. Anyway, I had to go to Lubbock for school and I was so, so sad to leave you. I will say that dropping you off at day care that morning was pretty hard! A lot happened in a week.
- You’ve figured out now that you can push your play table over, and you do it over and over again.
- You also open and close the shutters in the playroom. I’m pretty sure you like the noise they make when you slam them shut.
- You got your first flu shot, and unfortunately you’ll have to get another since it’s your very first one and you’ll need a booster.
- While I was gone you and daddy went and had dinner with aunt Anna and cousin Daniel.
- While I was gone daddy said that you stood by yourself for a few seconds. Oh, boy!
- You are drinking five-six 6oz. bottles formula per day.
- You love going for rides in your car around the neighborhood.
- You’re eating puréed foods 3 times a day and beginning to take regular food.
- You’re still going to sleep by 8:30pm and waking up once a night between 5:00-6:00am.
- You lost your morning nap!
- You’re waving goodbye and also really beginning to understand what “no” means.
- You’ve attempted to drink from you sippy cup. You still will not really drink your milk, but you sure will play with it.
FaceTime with momma while I was gone. I love that face!
Practicing suturing.
Football day at daycare.
Eating spaghetti.
This happened at daycare. We weren’t sure if it was another kid, or if it was you biting yourself. Turns out you were biting yourself.
Loving your new shoes.
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