You are on the verge of walking, in fact the daycare is surprised you aren’t walking yet. You’ve taken a few steps on your own, when mommy and daddy were on FaceTime. As I’ve said before, you can take your sweet time with walking; however, your daddy wants you to hurry up and walk. I’m not quite sure why. You are throwing a ball overhand and you are also trying to kick them. You are also now trying to put on your own shoes. You also become more interactive with the dogs and wanting to pet them, and at times you can be rough. When you start to get rough mommy says “be nice”, and you pet them softly.
You are now completely on whole milk and drinking 6-8 ounces three times a day (8:30am, 11:30am, and 6:00pm). Two weeks prior to you turning one, we gradually introduced whole milk to you by mixing half formula and whole milk. On the weekend of October 11, just after you turned 11 months, I decided to try to completely take you off of the bottle. You did awesome! I definitely thought that it would be more of a struggle because you loved your bottle. It only took us that one day and you never turned back.
You are eating 3 times a day (8:30am, 11:30am, and 6:00pm) with a morning and afternoon snack. Your favorites are still chicken, quesadillas, mac ‘n cheese, and any pasta with sauce.
Mommy and Daddy
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