You began pointing at things when you want them and making this funny noise(“eh, oh, eh, oh, eh, oh”) while twisting your hand. Not sure where you got this from, but you get your point across. You’ve also started shaking your head and saying no. You have also began to communicate more by saying yes and no when we ask you questions, mostly answering appropriately.
You are becoming more and more independent and wanting to things on your own. You want to climb up the stairs by yourself and we let you as long as we are standing right behind you. You climb up them on your knees step by step. These day’s you’d rather walk everywhere, instead of riding in your stroller or us carrying you. You love pushing things around including the vacuum and the high chair. You are also beginning to think outside of the box and are discovering different things to do with your old toys and play mat.
You’ve really become really affectionate with your momma and I LOVE it! You will kiss me over and over again and are even randomly coming up to me and hugging me. You’ll even say “baby”; I’m sure it’s because I always say “You’re mommy’s baby!” You say “baby” frequently, especially when you see a baby. Ms. Tracy said she thinks you’re ready for a new baby sister, I said no I don’t think you are.
You’re still learning different body parts and can point to your belly and nose, and now your mouth, ears and eyes.
Early on this past month you got some type of viral infection with a very high fever. No other symptoms, besides excessive drooling. I was afraid it was your ears again, but thank God it was not.
You’re drinking 6-8 ounces of milk three times a day (8:30am, 11:30am, and 6:00pm).
You are eating 3 times a day (8:30am, 11:30am, and 6:00pm) with a morning and afternoon snack. Your favorite foods: chicken, quesadillas, mac ‘n cheese, any pasta with sauce, meatballs, eggs, french toast, broccoli and cheese nuggets. You’re beginning to venture out and try new things. You like ham and bacon now.
You have bath time around 7:00-7:30pm and go to bed between 8:00-8:30pm.
First: Trip to Tennessee, Ferris Wheel Ride
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