This week was crazy busy for us! I worked a lot. When I say a lot I mean like 4 days. I know what some of you are thinking, but I usually work 2 days a week, so 4 is a lot. I’m currently in between semesters at school, so I try to work more when I can. On Thursday, my mom and brother flew into town, so I worked and then rushed pick Mason up so I could him fed before we headed to the airport to pick up my mom. On Friday, we headed on our road trip to Lubbock for my graduation. It was quite the adventurous drive too. You see lately it’s been raining…a lot. Like every single day, in fact a lot of our lakes are overflowing and trails and parks near the lakes are having to close.
Anyway, we drove to Lubbock anticipating rain. Well it rained, and there was a tornado warning too. My mom was freaking out! She kept telling my husband to pull over and take shelter, but he kept driving. Below are pics of what was happening. Well, we made it there safely. Graduation went well (more on a later post). Yesterday was Mother’s Day and we spent it in the car driving back home! Happy week!
Pretty ominous clouds.
Out grocery shopping and, all on his own, Mr. Cool decides to turn his cap backwards!
Out for a walk while it isn’t raining.
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