Well you’re over the 1.5 hump and you are now 19 months!
Every month you prove to learn something new. You are like weed and are just growing and soaking everything up.
Went to the pool this month and while I thought that you would love it, you really didn’t. I’m not sure if it was the cold water, or just fear. You LOVE being outside and would stay outside all day and night if I let you.
You still really like cars and are really beginning to like trains. Anything and everything is trains. You are adventurous and creative when it comes to ways that you find to play with your toys. You stand on your car, you sit on your little miniature wagon, and you love to get off and on your horse. You also love emptying your toy bins by flipping the entire thing over. You aren’t so good about putting things back, but we are working on picking up our mess.
You are still pretty shy, and it takes a minute for you to warm up to others. Just like your momma.
We still have our bedtime routine down of brushing our teeth, reading books, and then lights out. This month you decided that you wanted to start picking out your own books to read. So, every night I tell you it’s time to pick out a book and you go grab one that you want.
You’re drinking 6-8 ounces of milk three times a day (8:30am, 11:30am, and 6:00pm).
You are eating 3 times a day (8:30am, 11:30am, and 6:00pm) with an occassional morning snack, and afternoon snack. Your favorite foods: chicken, quesadillas, mac ‘n cheese, any pasta with sauce, meatballs, eggs, french toast, broccoli and cheese nuggets, ham and bacon. Glad we have somewhat of a variety to choose from.
Your nap time is at 12:00-3:00pm.
You have bath time around 7:00-7:30pm, go to bed between 8:00-8:30pm, and wake up between 7:00-8:00am.
New words this month: rain, gross, baseball, choo choo trains, poo-poo, max, Houdini, Alex, frog, duck, flag, car, milky, shhhh, yeah, what’s that, bubble, hot dog
First: Taste of Milk and Cookies
No Nineteen Month Report Card
Clothes Size: 12-18 months, 2T
Shoe Size: 5-6
Diaper Size: 5
Teeth: 14 (all but 2 yr molars)
Words: dada, mama, hey, night-night, hi, go, tickle, choo-choo, ball, nap, uh-oh, bus, fish, shoes, socks, dog, moo-moo, cow, peek-a-boo, snacks, kick-it, me-me-me, yummy, baby, yes, no, okay, got-it, Elmo, na-na, Crophopper, eh-eh (no-no), Cheerios, cookie, basketball, mm-hmm, outside, shoot it (in reference to the basketball), cool, bird, thank you, truck, pig, eyes, teeth, cheese, poo-poo, Mickey Mouse, and okay.
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