SOLD! Yes, we sold our home! It is all a little bittersweet, and I won’t lie, I shed a few tears knowing that this past weekend would be the last time I would drive to this home, to this neighborhood. The last time I would walk into my home, my room, my son’s room, and my son’s playroom.
When we built this home in 2013, this was going to be our almost forever home. This was our second build, and we had no intentions of moving out for a very long time. This would be the home that Mason would grow up in. The home that he would bring his friends to. It would be our home. Our nest.
The saying goes “if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans”. True. Ha! I’d like to think that sometimes our plans don’t work out because God’s plans are always better than ours. We prayed a lot about what we should do, to lead us in the right direction for our life, and better yet for what was best for Mason. Our main concern was not what house we lived in, but what was best for our son. It’s funny what having kids can do to your thought process and decision making. At this point in our lives I had finished school, started a new job, and Jeff had got promoted and was going to be starting a new job at a new location at the beginning of this month. I knew that I wanted to be able to spend more time with Mason while he was little and I did not want him in a daycare for 11-12 hours a day while I commuted to and from work. Our decision was final. We would sell our home and buy a new one closer to our jobs. I would work part-time and we would put Mason in a Montessori school part-time.
In mid-September our house went live on the market. Our realtor had warned us that it wasn’t an ideal time to sell a home, and that the housing market had cooled significantly since the summer boom. We were in no rush to sell, and had already planned to take it off the market after the 90 day period if it did not sell, and we would try again in the Spring when the market picks back up.
Well, it sure did cool like she warned us. We were on the market for 3 weeks before anyone even came to look at our house. We had 3 showings in a two week period. The last showing came back for another viewing. They had narrowed it down to three houses in our neighborhood, and would choose between one of the three by that evening. That evening they made us an offer. We accepted.
Today we closed. We sold our home. While going back and forth during our decision making, my husband told me our home is really just a house. He’s right. Our home is where ever we make it, as long as it’s with family. Our next home will be smaller, but my priority is not living in a large home. It’s spending more time with my son, with my husband. My son won’t be little forever, so my priority is to enjoy as much time with him as I can. I’m blessed and grateful that I have a husband who understands where my heart is and how much this means to me. So, until our next house is built, our home will be in an apartment. Follow along as we build again over the next few months. Our projected closing date is mid-April.
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