The hubs and I have recently been talking about not eating out as much as we usually do. So I decided to try Hello Fresh. We are only doing 3 meals a week to try it out. They offer 6 meals to choose from, one being a vegetarian meal and seafood, so this was also why I only chose to get 3 meals a week. The three meals are pictured below. They were really tasty, but my favorite was the Tuscan Sausage Linguine with zucchini, chilies, and parmesan (pic is below). I love the conveinence of having all ingredients delivered to your home. Maybe it will keep me out of Target and spending less money. Ha! Wishful thinking. Be on the look out for more food pics. I think that we’ll also begin trying Blue Apron soon to cover an additional 3 days. I’ll keep you updated on our fave.
Lounging in the morning before we get our day started.
Eating his current favorite of eggs with cheese, turkey bacon, and toast.
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