We were rained out this past week. It rained every single day, almost all day long. Yesterday was the only nice day of the entire week so we got out while we could. We ran errands and went to a friends daughter’s birthday party. Our springing forward did not affect us over here. Mason slept until 9:30am! I thought for sure he was be up much earlier, but he must have been exhausting from little sleep on Friday, and not a very good nap on Saturday. This momma need the sleep too!
On Friday, I picked Mason up from daycare and gave him his usual snack on our way home. He threw up in the car after after a few sips of milk. Later that night he threw up his dinner after taking two bites. Shortly after he ran a fever up to 102.7. I gave him some meds and off to bed he went. All of this on top of the phone call I received from the school telling me that a kid tripped and pushed Mason over onto a tree stump that they have in the classroom and he got a scratch on his face that would probably leave a bruise. GREAT! When I picked him up from school he had a bandaid covering the scratch. I didn’t bother taking it off because I knew he would have a fit because his “banaid” wasn’t there. I finally saw it Sunday morning after the bandaid fell off in his sleep. Yeah, it was pretty big scratch on his face and I wasn’t very happy. Enough of my rant. Friday night Mason woke up several times. One of the times he woke up he was complaining of his “mouth hurting”. I knew immediately he meant his throat. That is how most 2 year old will refer to their throat hurting. I looked in his throat, and it looked terrible. Fortunately, my job allows for me to have a little advantage to my kid being sick. I had my husband take him to my job on Saturday morning, because I was working for three hours. I was almost certain it wasn’t strep, but with a red, painful throat, vomiting, and a fever up to 102.7 I had to check. Sure enough it was negative. I have been seeing a lot of kids with a nasty virus going around that has very similar symptoms to strep, but it is not. By Saturday morning and afternoon he was much better. Thankfully whatever it was only lasted that night.
Looking forward to plenty of days off this week, as they are much needed!
Playing trains with my boy on one of my days off.
This is his “oooh” surprised face.
This week is book fair week at Mason’s school, but we got an early sneak peek and bought him a few books. This was shortly before he threw up on his clothes, carseat, and new book.
Momma’s job never ends. I set my alarm to check his temp over night on Friday. I wasn’t sure how high his fever would get, or if it would spike again 3 hours after I gave him meds, so I had to wake up to check it.
My sick boy in my bed. He rarely sleeps in my bed, but after he woke up twice and then complained of his throat hurting, I put him in our bed. This was right before my 6:00am alarm went off.
Playing at my job while we wait for his strep results.
Checked out this place after work on Saturday. I was looking for a cute birthday gift, and I found a super cute dress and hair bow.
Another train for this boy. He’s so obsessed with trains. This one a cute Melissa & Doug train that has removable Disney characters. He loved it!
Birthday party fun. He did not want to bounce on anything. He barely walked out to get the ball.
The hubs needed to buy is fishing license so we stopped at Bass Pro Shop. Mason and I walked around and we looked at animals. We had to be sure to keep our distance because he was so scared of them.
A quick stop by our house to check on the process. This will be Mason’s room when we move it. I love the little space by the window that I will be making into a reading nook for him. He was being silly and playing hide n’ seek here. As for the house, we have doors, baseboards, and window seals. Our closet shelving is also complete. A later post this week on the progress that has been made in our home.
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