April showers are in full force over here! Our storms here in Texas, in April/May, usually result in severe thunderstorms, tornado warnings/watches, and hail. The hail this past week was unremarkably large. Baseball size. We had tons of rain, and it’s looking like we are forecasted have rain every day for the next 14 days. I dislike rain. I dislike humidity. I guess I better just get used to for a while.
Our week was pretty low key…
This was Monday on my drive home from work. We lucked out and didn’t get the crazy hail that some other parts around town got.
Monday night we went and had dinner at Grimaldi’s with one of my husbands cousins from Iowa. He was in town for business and we don’t get to see them often so this was a great opportunity to catch up.
He loved playing with the pizza dough.
Days off are the best. I love to hold him and rock him. When I tell him I use to hold him like this when he was a baby sometimes he laughs, and sometimes he says “No, I not baby. I Mason.”
Every time we got to the pet store we have to look at every living creature there.
On a walk to feed the ducks in between rain showers.
These ducks were fearless. They totally snatched a slice of bread off of my leg.
Throwing bread.
This duck caught the bread mid-air.
I bought this stepstool for Mason a couple of weeks ago. He really loves it and won’t brush his teeth without stepping on it.
He fell asleep while eating lunch. He is getting so big. It’s hard for me to believe that he used to be little not so long ago. He always asks “momma, carry me”. I usually think, “but you’re so heavy”. I remind myself that he is getting bigger. Every day. One day, he really will be too big for me to carry, so for now I’ll enjoy it every minute of how much he still needs me.
He loves cheese and would eat it all day every if I let him.
Have a great week. If you’re in Texas, stay dry 🙂
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