This past week has been exceptionally busy. We closed on our house on Thursday and we have been running back and forth between the apartment and our house for installations and deliveries. There is no rest for the weary!
I worked. After work I did a little grocery shopping and headed to pick Mason up from school. I ran home and put the groceries away and Mason and I headed to check on the house since our final walk-thru was on Wednesday.
Check out this cute hat from the dollar spot at Target.
We had our final walk-thru and that lasted about 2.5 hours. After the walk thru we took Mason to feed the ducks. His fave lately. This time there were 3 ducks, instead of 2. My husband thought it was clever to name the ducks.
Hi everyone! Meet “Sammy”!
“Sammy” is super aggressive and gets right in front of you in hopes of snatching that bread right out of your hand. My husband felt compelled to pet the duck, as if it were a dog!
Mason waving and saying “Bye Sammy. See you later, Sammy.”
Ready to go buy our home!
Ready to go buy our home!
I made these for teacher appreciation week. More about this on the next post as well as printables for you! Who doesn’t love free printables?!
I worked for a couple of hours while my husband sat at the house all morning long waiting for our cable/internet to be installed. I won’t even go into detail about the nightmare that Frontier Communications has been! Let’s just say this was day 2 of waiting for them all day. We finally everything installed on this day.
I worked for a couple of hours while my husband sat at the house all morning long waiting for our cable/internet to be installed. I won’t even go into detail about the nightmare that Frontier Communications has been! Let’s just say this was day 2 of waiting for them all day. We finally everything installed on this day.
My husband sent me this pic of him and Mason hanging out at the house. Literally hanging out…no internet, no cable, no furniture; just an empty house.
I got out of work and brought my boys lunch. Again, no cable and no furniture. We sat on the floor and watch a movie on the iPad.
While the cable was being installed Mason and I walked to the park that is just down the street from us.
Mason had fun at the park and I got an allergy flair up! I’ve been battling my allergies for about week now. I guess that being outside threw me over the edge. My eyes, head, and face were so itchy. I left the house early, while Mason was napping, because I was afraid my eye was going to swell shut. This picture was taken as soon as I got back to the apartment. By later that night it was even worse. I’ve been taking prescription eye drops, allergy medicine, and diffusing oils. Nothing is working! It is the worst ever! I never allergy problems until I got pregnant with Mason, now I have a flair up like this once a year around April/May. I just wait for it to happen. Thanks, Texas allergy season!
Sunday was my day to sit at the house all day while we had a piece of furniture delivered and our closet was installed. He has been the most patient boy ever during this whole sit and wait process.
He is all boy and loves looking for animals. Here he was looking at a dead frog.
This week entails of more installs and sitting at the house before we move in. I hope everyone has a great week!
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