Thanksgiving was spent at our house this year. My mom, brother, aunt, uncle and cousin came to visit us. My mom hauled all of the food from Corpus and the cooked when she got here. We enjoyed a nice late lunch before heading to watch a movie. Some traditions never die.
As far back as I can remember, one or two people always brought the newspaper with them on Thanksgiving. So, I made sure that my husband went and bought it so we could sift thru all of the Black Friday ads. When I was younger I used to go with my mom, but I’ve evolved (ha!) and now I just mostly do online shopping. I don’t even think I remember the last time I actually went to a store on Black Friday. Nonetheless, it’s always fun to just look and see what is on sale.
We sat around a little, had good conversations, and the guys watched football. Very typical.
Later that evening we went to watch a movie. A tradition that I started with my little guy. Thanksgiving and a night out watching a new movie. This year he wanted to watch the new Grinch Movie, so the whole family went. Such a good movie and I liked the ending better than the traditional Grinch movies.
On Friday I took the family out to one of our local stomping grounds in Kemah. We walked around and explored a little.
Later Friday evening we headed to Galveston’s Moody Gardens. They have and ice sculpture exhibit called Iceland and a Festival of Lights section.
It was freezing in here, but still this kid refused to wear the coat that they provide. My husband was mad because I wasn’t going to make him wear it. My thought was 1) pick your battles and 2) he’ll ask to wear it when he gets cold enough.
It only took about 2 minutes for him to figure out that it was freeeezzing, and he asked to wear the jacket.
This white fox we would not stopping hearing about for the entire Festival of Lights walk! He really wanted it. I suppose I’ll add it to his list of wants for Christmas. Maybe I’ll surprise him with it.
Overall, we had a fun and eventful Thanksgiving to remember. Thankful for my family that drove up here to see and spend time with us. Hoping you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving.
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