One month with you in our world has already passed. You are the sweetest little blessing that our family could have ever asked for. Your brother was so excited to meet you when you came home and he’s been a very helpful big brother over the past month.
This month has been full of adjustments and learning new routines. Luckily, your brother is out of school for the summer so there hasn’t been a lot of changes in his routine. It’s been a little crazy over here since we’re moving in a month. Packing with a newborn isn’t an easy feat, but you’ve been pretty easy going and will nap in your chair or in your snoo. You’ve adjusted well to establishing a feeding/sleeping schedule. You drink about 3-4 ounces every 3 hours. Feeding was a little bit of a struggle for a little while, nothing on your part, but mommy really wanted to breastfeed you and it just didn’t work out. Since you were born 4 weeks early your latching just wasn’t strong enough. I exclusively pumped for about 4 weeks, but it was tough to manage time wise as far as pumping and feeding you so that didn’t last too long. It doesn’t matter though, you are thriving and doing well with formula. The longest stretch of sleep you’ve given has been about 5 hours, which is great. You nap in your Snoo well, but prefer to be held. You never really had to adjust to learning days and nights, I felt like you did pretty well with that from the beginning. You love bath time and calm down when you’re in the water. You definitely do not like to have your diaper changed, but what baby does.
You have changed so much in just one month. You are more alert and aware of your surroundings and your wake times are also increasing. You are also making eye contact more and are able to focus on our faces when we talk to you.
Over the past month you have just been a dream for all of us. We prayed and prayed for you and we are so grateful that God has chose us to be your family. We love you sweet boy!
4th of July
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