Two months in this crazy world and we’re still in the middle of a pandemic. No one in our family has actually met you in person, except for your nana. You were supposed to have a 2 month well child check yesterday, on August 10, 2020, BUT to add to all of the craziness, we experienced a “derecho”. A derecho is an inland hurricane and we had wind speeds of up to 90+ mph here. Luckily where live we didn’t get hit that bad. We were actually eating lunch and getting ready to leave for your doctor appointment when I heard the tornado sirens sounding off. I turned the tv on and the weather alerts on the tv were alerting everyone to take shelter. So, we did. After the storm passed I called the office because there were reports of major damage in Cedar Rapids. The office was closed for the unforeseeable future, so I’ll have to reschedule your appointment at a later date.
This month you finally started smiling with intention. You smile when we talk to you and you’re even starting to coo and make sounds. You also found your hands. You’re still doing pretty well with your feeding/sleeping schedule. You drink about 4-5 ounces every 2.5-3 hours. You are taking about 4 naps a day of which aren’t very long, maybe 30-40 mins, of which I have read is pretty normal. The longest stretch of sleep has been about 6-7 hours. Your bedtime is around 8-9:00pm. I lay you down in your snoo and your fall asleep on your own. I have noticed that you enjoy listening to music, so mommy plays Christian music for you and you just listen quietly.
We are enjoying our summer with you and just taking time to intentionally slow down and soak it all it. It’s all flying by too quickly.
Real Smile

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