Three months old already!!!! You are changing so much and we have enjoyed the last 3 months with you! When your brother turned 3 months, I was returning to work. I’m so grateful that I can stay home with you and take care of you. I won’t take that for granted. I just remember how sad I was that I had to leave your brother with someone else while I worked. You are becoming way more alert and fun! I’m so glad that I don’t have to miss a thing. You are drooling like crazy and and you always have your hands or anything in your mouth. You love being outside, so we try to go on walks when we can. We have to soak up what’s left of the warmer weather. You are beginning to grasp at things and picking them up. You had your first set of shots this month, since your 2 month appointment was late. You love being held at-all-times!
Your feeding/sleeping schedule is going great and you’re sleeping thru the night. Hallelujah!!! You’re drinking 4-5 ounces every 3 hours. You are taking about 4 naps a day and they still aren’t so great. Your bedtime is around 7:00pm. You’re still sleeping in your snoo and doing great with that.
We are loving watching you continue to see you grow, change, and learn!

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