You are 4 months old now and you are such good boy. You are now trying to sit up and you’re becoming quite the smiley boy. This past month you had your first photo session. I missed out on newborn photos so I wanted to have some professional pics of you sooner rather than later. You did great and slept most of the session. Your brother started school this past month, so you’ve been trying to adjust to the longer drives in the car. You get impatient when the car stops and you tend to fall asleep on the way, which really messes up your nap times. We’ll figure it out. You’re not a huge fan of tummy time, but we still do it.
Your feeding/sleeping schedule was going pretty well and you were sleeping thru the night, but I think the 4 month sleep regression has hit our house. Luckily, you are only waking up once a night though. Still pretty good. You’re drinking 5-6 ounces every 3 hours. We’ve tried spacing out your feedings, but you love your milk. You are taking about 4 naps a day and they still aren’t so great. Your bedtime is around 7:00pm. You’re still sleeping in your snoo and doing great with that. You love to talk yourself to sleep. I just lay your down and you fall asleep on your own after talking for a few mins. Soon you’ll be moving around and we won’t be able to contain you at all.
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